Get Drush to work in Godaddy shared hosting plane

Sun, 03/04/2012 - 13:49 -- meladawy

Drush is very important tool for drupal Developers, Its managed from Shell so a lot of people failed in getting it work at shared hosts like godaddy, I will explain briefly how to install Drush on godaddy shared hosting plane. 1- Open your Linux Terminal and create SSH Connection to you account


and Enter your password. 2- Go to your main directory

cd ~/

3- Download the last version of drush to your Host space. (4.5 in this case)

-bash-3.2$ wget

4- Extract the Drush compressed file .

-bash-3.2$ tar -zxvf drush-7.x-4.5.tar.gz

5- Make sure that your drush directory can be accessed by this command

-bash-3.2$ cd ~/drush

6- Make sure that you are at Home directory

-bash-3.2$ cd ~/

7- Create .bash_profile if not Exist and add the following lines inside it

export DRUSH_PHP="/usr/local/php5/bin/php"
export COLUMNS
alias drush="/usr/local/php5/bin/php ~/drush/drush.php"
alias php="/usr/local/php5/bin/php"

if you want to use PHP 5.3 add the following lines instead

export DRUSH_PHP="/usr/local/php5_3/bin/php5_3"
export COLUMNS
alias drush="/usr/local/php5_3/bin/php5_3 ~/drush/drush.php"
alias php="/usr/local/php5_3/bin/php5_3"

How to Create .bash_profile file

  • vi .bash_profile
  • press i to convert your mode to be insert mode
  • past the previous code
  • press Esc to exit Insert mode.
  • press sheft+:
  • insert wq then press Enter

Now we have created .bash_profile file . 8- use the .bash_profile file .

-bash-3.2$ source .bash_profile

Thats all lets test our Drush by Implementing drush command

-bash-3.2$ drush

if there is any problem please write it in a comment.

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